For instance "Don't cry over spilt milk" This idiom means in Spanish "No llores sobre la leche derramada"
The previous idiom was a very easy translation exercise, because this one exists in Spanish as well as its translation. However, there are some idioms that are not comprehensible just translating.
Because there are some colloquial expressions which have a meaning that only natives understand, however most of them exist in Spanish, the only difference exists in the words we use yet the meaning ramains the same.
The previous example is very useful. If you try to translate it in Spanish the result will be "Están lloviendo perros y gatos" However, this meaning is not very clear for us, instead of that in Spanish we would say "Está lloviendo a cantaros" Both the Spanish version and the English one means the same: It's raining very hard.
You can find idioms all around the world!
The following video will help you to learn Idioms better.
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